Why e-Commerce is a pain for brands

5. Juli 2022


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Episode 3 of 10 – Why e-Commerce is a pain for brands
A lot of manufacturers have not had a strategic approach when starting to sell their products to online retailers.

Today, these manufacturers in trouble:

  • They see market prices of their products falling.
  • They face high price competition on the internet.
  • They have to deal with sales channel conflicts and unhappy customers in traditional sales channels.
  • Their pricing and conditions structure does not work anymore.
  • They have increasing margin pressure on all levels.

How can you get out of this trap?

  • Prioritize your sales channels and focus.
  • Pro-actively manage selected e-commerce customers.
  • Implement a performance-based pricing and conditions structure to incentivize the right customers.
  • Switch to an international view on key account management.
  • Upgrade the structure of your sales organization and add new skills (analytics, marketing, logistics, …).

Do you also have a love/hate relationship with your sales channel E-COMMERCE? And how do you ensure that it is more love than hate?

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